Our projects
Our work covers a range of sectors and objectives: if you understand branding and design, you can apply it to anything!
Below is a small selection of our work for clients in Vietnam, on both international and local brands.
Who doesn’t enjoy working on beer brands! We’ve loved the work we’ve done for Overmorrow, 7 Bridges and 14 Tribesmen almost as much as we’ve loved the tastings!
Sarah’s first job after graduating was as Consumer Insight Manager on PG Tips – the UK’s biggest tea brand at the time. That passion for tea has stayed with her and she still enjoys applying her skills to helping tea and coffee brands in Vietnam.
One of Crunchy Frog’s first clients in Vietnam was SNV – Netherlands Development Organisation, and they’re still clients now. Since then we have worked on logo design, copywriting, communications strategy and design for a selection of NGOs and Embassies in Vietnam and overseas.
We’ve always had a steady stream of hospitality clients coming our way, with requests ranging from branding start-ups to new websites to digital menu design. As foodies we’re more than happy to help people promote their offer!
In the increasingly competitive world of education, professionally branding your offer is essential. Our re-brand for United Nations International School (UNIS) made a huge impact and is still being applied consistently – thanks to detailed brand guidelines.
Business to business branding is just as important as business to consumer, no matter what the sector. Our work for Midway Metals dramatically improved its brand impact and seeing our IQ8 identity on a working gas station was a highlight!
Logos are an incredibly important part of the brand mix. Most of the logos we’ve designed have been developed as part of a wider identity system, but some were designed in isolation to help kick-start a new brand or enhance an existing offer.
With backgrounds in consumer branding, packaging has always been a big part of our founders’ careers. As well as beverages, we’ve also worked on edibles packaging for a US company, baby clothes packaging for BU in Vietnam and branding and website for an online shopping site.